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Personal Profile HHU Ambassadors

Prof. Dr. Berkley Walker
Michigan State University
Plant Research Laboratory
Michigan, USA



Stay at HHU:
Postdoc at Institute of Plant Biochemistry
Prof. Andreas Weber
01/2016 - 12/2017

Research Interests:
Photosynthesis drives life on this planet by providing the oxygen, food and energy required to support
“higher” life forms – including us humans. Research in our lab focuses on resolving the biochemical, cellular
and canopy-level mechanisms that determine photosynthetic fluxes of carbon and oxygen with the end goal
to better model plant response to climate change and engineer more efficient crops.

Research Experiences:
2018 - Current Assistant Professor, Michigan State University, Plant Research Laboratory
2016-2018 Humboldt-Bayer Research Fellow, University of Düsseldorf
2013-2015 Research Plant Physiologist, USDA/ARS, University of Illinois
2008-2013 Research/Teaching Assistant, Washington State University
2007-2008 Product Manager, Decagon Devices Inc.
1998-2007 Founder/Owner, BerkleyBars SP
